"VV Square"building, Plot.No.TS 710/1b1 & 2B1, CMC Ward No 18, Moka road, Gandhinagar, Ballari-583 101. 583101 Bellari IN
"VV Square"building, Plot.No.TS 710/1b1 & 2B1, CMC Ward No 18, Moka road, Gandhinagar, Ballari-583 101. Bellari, IN
+918050151380 https://www.trendypaper.com/s/5b1a00c581a9afd8ff765190/ms.settings/5256837ccc4abf1d39000001/5b928defbda50e15d4c76434-480x480.png" [email protected]
9.79E+12 5b98ca250059dc1a703d7cec We are the World 10 https://www.trendypaper.com/s/5b1a00c581a9afd8ff765190/5f43b3278b0b1590366edaaf/5b98ca280059dc1a703d7cf8.jpg We are the World (classes 1 10) is a series on value education and life skills. It was first published in 1989 and revised in 2005; this is the third edition. The books help children to look at themselves and their personal growth; see beyond themselves in the context of society; explore their inner spirituality; and contribute their share to society. Each book is centred on a theme, from Getting to know our world in class 1 to Happy and free in class 10. The lessons work in seven stages: Keyin (individual work); Shareitaround (group work); Passiton (group presentation); Talkitover (class discussion); Thinkitthrough (reflection); Takeitin (spiritual experience); and Carryitthrough (action) TRP13017
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Orient BlackSwan
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We are the World 10

Brand: Orient BlackSwan

ISBN: 9.79E+12
₹520   (19% OFF)

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Sold By: trendypaper

Description of product

We are the World (classes 1 10) is a series on value education and life skills. It was first published in 1989 and revised in 2005; this is the third edition. The books help children to look at themselves and their personal growth; see beyond themselves in the context of society; explore their inner spirituality; and contribute their share to society. Each book is centred on a theme, from Getting to know our world in class 1 to Happy and free in class 10. The lessons work in seven stages: Keyin (individual work); Shareitaround (group work); Passiton (group presentation); Talkitover (class discussion); Thinkitthrough (reflection); Takeitin (spiritual experience); and Carryitthrough (action)

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Brand Orient BlackSwan

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