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"VV Square"building, Plot.No.TS 710/1b1 & 2B1, CMC Ward No 18, Moka road, Gandhinagar, Ballari-583 101. Bellari, IN
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9789380026381- 5c08f070aa2c993be9611671 Textbook of Environmental Biology https://www.trendypaper.com/s/5b1a00c581a9afd8ff765190/ms.products/5c08f070aa2c993be9611671/images/5c08f070aa2c993be9611672/5c08f072aa2c993be961167a/5c08f072aa2c993be961167a.jpg Textbook of Environmental Biology covers a wide range of topics: water resources, mineral resources, food resources, energy resources and land resources. The book also deals with biodiversity at the global, national and local levels as well as presents pollution case studies and disaster management. Different dimensions of environmental biology including topics like El-Nino and La Nina effect, ozone layer depletion, environmental water pollution, environmental soil pollution, noise pollution, pollution due to pesticides, natural disaster management vis-a-vis Tsunami, continental drift vis-a-vis earthquake, impact of urbanization, colonization in space sustainable environment, etc. also find their due place in the book. This book will provide adequate information with a minimum of effort on the Environmental Biology to readers / students, irrespective of their discipline. The book will also be of immense use to those appearing in competitive examinations. 9789380026381-
out of stock INR 276
Satya prakashan
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Textbook of Environmental Biology

Textbook of Environmental Biology

Author: J.R. Mudakavi

Brand: Satya prakashan

₹303.6   (9% OFF)

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Description of product

Textbook of Environmental Biology covers a wide range of topics: water resources, mineral resources, food resources, energy resources and land resources. The book also deals with biodiversity at the global, national and local levels as well as presents pollution case studies and disaster management. Different dimensions of environmental biology including topics like El-Nino and La Nina effect, ozone layer depletion, environmental water pollution, environmental soil pollution, noise pollution, pollution due to pesticides, natural disaster management vis-a-vis Tsunami, continental drift vis-a-vis earthquake, impact of urbanization, colonization in space sustainable environment, etc. also find their due place in the book. This book will provide adequate information with a minimum of effort on the Environmental Biology to readers / students, irrespective of their discipline. The book will also be of immense use to those appearing in competitive examinations.

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BrandSatya prakashan

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