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Since it was published in 1972, R. K. Pathria s book Statistical Mechanics has been a standard text for graduate students and professionals of this field. The original book covered all the essentials of this field and since then, has been updated to include newer discoveries and to better polish the old. The second edition expanded the books and added three new chapters. The edition covered newer topics such as critical phenomena and phase transitions.The third edition went even further to add relevance to the book. It added the most up-to-date material on the Bose-Einstein condensation model. It also tackled the most recent developments in the field of degenerate Fermi behavior of ultracold atomic gases. Together with these additions, the third edition includes a section to teach students how to create computer simulations to recreate the thermodynamics of the early universe which aims at making the text more coherent and useful in the digital age while keeping up with the latest research in the field.Some of the chapters covered in the book are The Grand Canonical Ensemble, Phase Transitions: Criticality, Universality and Scaling, Elements of Ensemble Theory, The Theory of Simple Gases, The Canonical Ensemble, and The Statistical Basis of Thermodynamics.Statistical Mechanics contains new and concise sections of a vast array of topics such as quantized fields, and the fluctuation-dissipation theorem. The main aims of the new edition are to keep up to date and ensure that students get the most out of their reading of this book, and to provide a solid bedrock to build higher and more complex systems for statistical physics.

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Narosa Publishing House Pvt. Ltd
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Statistical Mechanics

Statistical Mechanics

Author: Sanon

Brand: Narosa Publishing House Pvt. Ltd

₹575   (4% OFF)

1 item left in Stock

Sold By: trendypaper

Description of product

Since it was published in 1972, R. K. Pathria s book Statistical Mechanics has been a standard text for graduate students and professionals of this field. The original book covered all the essentials of this field and since then, has been updated to include newer discoveries and to better polish the old. The second edition expanded the books and added three new chapters. The edition covered newer topics such as critical phenomena and phase transitions.The third edition went even further to add relevance to the book. It added the most up-to-date material on the Bose-Einstein condensation model. It also tackled the most recent developments in the field of degenerate Fermi behavior of ultracold atomic gases. Together with these additions, the third edition includes a section to teach students how to create computer simulations to recreate the thermodynamics of the early universe which aims at making the text more coherent and useful in the digital age while keeping up with the latest research in the field.Some of the chapters covered in the book are The Grand Canonical Ensemble, Phase Transitions: Criticality, Universality and Scaling, Elements of Ensemble Theory, The Theory of Simple Gases, The Canonical Ensemble, and The Statistical Basis of Thermodynamics.Statistical Mechanics contains new and concise sections of a vast array of topics such as quantized fields, and the fluctuation-dissipation theorem. The main aims of the new edition are to keep up to date and ensure that students get the most out of their reading of this book, and to provide a solid bedrock to build higher and more complex systems for statistical physics.

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BrandNarosa Publishing House Pvt. Ltd

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