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Contents - Topic - 1 1. Essential Elements of a Contract 2. Agreements and Contract 3. Proposal and Acceptance 4. Consideration and Legality of the Object and Consideration 5. Capacity to Contract 6. Free Consent 7. Void Agreement 8. Communication 9. Contingent Contract 10. The Performance of Contract 11. Certain Relations Resembling 12. Discharge of Contract 13. Breach of Contract Topic - 2 14. Law of Indemnity and Guarantee 15. Bailment and Pledge 16. Law of Agency Topic - 3 17. Preliminary 18. Contract of Sale Formation 19. Conditions and Warranties 20. Effects of the Contract 21. Performance of the Contract 22. Unpaid Sellers 23. Suits for Breach of the Contracts and Auction Sales Topic - 4 24. Nature of Partnership 25. Relation of Partners to One Another and to the Third Parties 26. Minors Position in Partnership 27. Incoming and Outgoing Partners Reconstitution of a Firm 28. Dissolution of a Firm 29. Registration of a Firm Topic - 5 30. Limited Liability Partnership Topic - 6 31. Incorporation of Companies 32. Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association 33. Membership of a Company Topic - 7 34. Prospectus 35. Issue of Capital 36. Loans, Investments, Deposits and Charges 37. Meeting 38. Account and Auditors 39. Investigations 40. Management 41. Contracts 42. Oppression and Mismanagement 43. Amalgamations, Reconstructions, Arrangement and Compromises Relevant Links: Issue Of Shares For Unlisted Companies Virtual Book Books OnlinePeek A Boo Evs Magic A Preforated Practice Worksheets Paperback Books OnlineConcise Dictionary Of Medical Terms Books OnlineDaisy Miller Books OnlineThe Embryology Of Angiosperms Books OnlineCivil Engineering Books Books OnlineSeparation Chemistry Books OnlineNavrang Saral Hindi Pathmala 1 Books OnlineUtkarsh Hindi Pathmala For Class 3 Books Online

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