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"VV Square"building, Plot.No.TS 710/1b1 & 2B1, CMC Ward No 18, Moka road, Gandhinagar, Ballari-583 101. Bellari, IN
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9788122433593- 5c5591b2c46ce85f0a9bec5a Numerical Methods for Engineers https://www.trendypaper.com/s/5b1a00c581a9afd8ff765190/ms.products/5c5591b2c46ce85f0a9bec5a/images/5c5591b2c46ce85f0a9bec5b/5c5591b4c46ce85f0a9bec5f/5c5591b4c46ce85f0a9bec5f.jpg

This book is intended to be a text for either a first or a second course in numerical methods for students in all engineering disciplines. Difficult concepts, which usually pose problems to students are explained in detail and illustrated with solved examples. Enough elementary material that could be covered in the first-level course is included, for example, methods for solving linear and nonlinear algebraic equations, interpolation, differentiation, integration and simple techniques for integrating ODEs and PDEs (ordinary and partial differential equations). Advanced techniques and concepts that could form part of a second-level course include Gear`s method for solving ODE-IVPs (initial value problems), stiffness of ODE-IVPs, multiplicity of solutions, convergence characteristics, the orthogonal collocation method for solving ODE-BVPs (boundary value problems) and finite element techniques. An extensive set of graded problems, often with hints, has been included. Some involve simple applications of the concepts and can be solved using a calculator, while several are from real-life situations and require writing computer programs or use of library subroutines. Practice on these is expected to build up the reader's confidence in developing large computer codes.

out of stock INR 475
New Age International Pvt. Ltd
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Numerical Methods for  Engineers

Numerical Methods for Engineers

Author: Gupta, S.K.

Brand: New Age International Pvt. Ltd

₹520   (9% OFF)

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Sold By: trendypaper

Description of product

This book is intended to be a text for either a first or a second course in numerical methods for students in all engineering disciplines. Difficult concepts, which usually pose problems to students are explained in detail and illustrated with solved examples. Enough elementary material that could be covered in the first-level course is included, for example, methods for solving linear and nonlinear algebraic equations, interpolation, differentiation, integration and simple techniques for integrating ODEs and PDEs (ordinary and partial differential equations). Advanced techniques and concepts that could form part of a second-level course include Gear`s method for solving ODE-IVPs (initial value problems), stiffness of ODE-IVPs, multiplicity of solutions, convergence characteristics, the orthogonal collocation method for solving ODE-BVPs (boundary value problems) and finite element techniques. An extensive set of graded problems, often with hints, has been included. Some involve simple applications of the concepts and can be solved using a calculator, while several are from real-life situations and require writing computer programs or use of library subroutines. Practice on these is expected to build up the reader's confidence in developing large computer codes.

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BrandNew Age International Pvt. Ltd

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