"VV Square"building, Plot.No.TS 710/1b1 & 2B1, CMC Ward No 18, Moka road, Gandhinagar, Ballari-583 101. 583101 Bellari IN
"VV Square"building, Plot.No.TS 710/1b1 & 2B1, CMC Ward No 18, Moka road, Gandhinagar, Ballari-583 101. Bellari, IN
+918050151380 https://www.trendypaper.com/s/5b1a00c581a9afd8ff765190/ms.settings/5256837ccc4abf1d39000001/5b928defbda50e15d4c76434-480x480.png" [email protected]
9788173796562- 5b98ce0a0059dc1a703d875b Exploring Horizontal Environmental Studies 4 https://www.trendypaper.com/s/5b1a00c581a9afd8ff765190/ms.products/5b98ce0a0059dc1a703d875b/images/5b98ce0a0059dc1a703d875c/5b98ce0d0059dc1a703d8763/5b98ce0d0059dc1a703d8763.jpg

Exploring Horizons. is a series at the primary level which /Aveveur to train children in skills that will equip them for proactive knowledge construction. The books also facilitate CCE
Salient features
• induction activities at the beginning of each chapter Questions interspersed in the text to continuously review and evaluate learning
• Teacher's Note to guide pedagogy
• A creative approach to teaching-learning process Ana, Misra, the author of this series. is an educationist with the first-hand experience in handling children from toddlers to teens. She is a writer, educational and pedagogical consultant, teachers' trainer. parent counselor and curriculum designer.

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Frank EMU Books
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Exploring Horizontal Environmental Studies 4

Author: Rachana Misra

Brand: Frank EMU Books

₹290.4   (9% OFF)

1 item left in Stock

Sold By: trendypaper

Description of product

Exploring Horizons. is a series at the primary level which /Aveveur to train children in skills that will equip them for proactive knowledge construction. The books also facilitate CCE
Salient features
• induction activities at the beginning of each chapter Questions interspersed in the text to continuously review and evaluate learning
• Teacher's Note to guide pedagogy
• A creative approach to teaching-learning process Ana, Misra, the author of this series. is an educationist with the first-hand experience in handling children from toddlers to teens. She is a writer, educational and pedagogical consultant, teachers' trainer. parent counselor and curriculum designer.

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Brand Frank EMU Books

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