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"VV Square"building, Plot.No.TS 710/1b1 & 2B1, CMC Ward No 18, Moka road, Gandhinagar, Ballari-583 101. Bellari, IN
+918050151380 https://www.trendypaper.com/s/5b1a00c581a9afd8ff765190/ms.settings/5256837ccc4abf1d39000001/5b928defbda50e15d4c76434-480x480.png" [email protected]
9788172866877- 5b98cf0b1ff9cd7eaef9329a Discrete Mathematical Structures https://www.trendypaper.com/s/5b1a00c581a9afd8ff765190/ms.products/5b98cf0b1ff9cd7eaef9329a/images/5b98cf0b1ff9cd7eaef9329b/5b98cf0e1ff9cd7eaef932a0/5b98cf0e1ff9cd7eaef932a0.jpeg This text book designed as selfcontained, comperhensive study meterial for the Third Edition semister B.E.Classes(CSE & ISE Branches) of VTU (Revised Syllabus). The topics included are : Set Theory, Mathematical Logic, Relations, Functions,Groups,Coding Theroy and Rings. Key Features * Each topic is treated in systematic, logical and lucide manner. * concepts are introduced in a seqential way with detailed explanations and illustrations. * There are over 600 fully workedout examples and 800 graded exercises (with answer) aimed at preparing the student for examination as well as higher studies. 9788172866877-
in stock INR 345
Prism Publishers
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Discrete Mathematical Structures

Author: Dr. D.S.C

Brand: Prism Publishers

₹379.5   (9% OFF)

Sold By: trendypaper

Description of product

This text book designed as selfcontained, comperhensive study meterial for the Third Edition semister B.E.Classes(CSE & ISE Branches) of VTU (Revised Syllabus). The topics included are : Set Theory, Mathematical Logic, Relations, Functions,Groups,Coding Theroy and Rings. Key Features * Each topic is treated in systematic, logical and lucide manner. * concepts are introduced in a seqential way with detailed explanations and illustrations. * There are over 600 fully workedout examples and 800 graded exercises (with answer) aimed at preparing the student for examination as well as higher studies.

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Brand Prism Publishers

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