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This is a different Data Structures book. It goes beyond merely explaining how Stacks, Queues and Linked Lists work. The readers can actually experience sorting of an array, traversing of a doubly linked list, construction of a binary tree etc. through carefully crafted animations that depict these processes. All the animations are available on the CD that accompanies the book. Table Of Contents Analysis of Algorithms Arrays Strings Linked Lists Sparse Matrices Stacks Queues Trees Searching and Sorting Graphs Relevant Links: The Encyclopaedia Of Tennis Books OnlineIntro To Quantum Mechanics Ed2 Books OnlineBachelor Of Computer Applications Bca Books OnlineNclex Pn Practice Test And Review Books OnlineTagore And Education For Social Change Books OnlinePlant Spirit Reiki Books OnlineGygb 18 Attack Of The Beastly Baby Sitter Books OnlineBachat Evam Nivesh Books OnlineDaant Dapat Ke Bina Bachchon Ko Kaise Sudharen How To Discipline Your Child Books Online

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